What is new in Scrollutil 2.2? ------------------------------- 1. Improved the performance of the photo image creation in the themepatch code and the demo scripts, by explicitly specifying the "-format" option. 2. Adapted the scaleutil package to the recent improvements in the "classic" theme by Emiliano Gavilan. What was new in Scrollutil 2.1? ------------------------------- 1. The scrollableframe within a scrollednotebook widget is now packed with a horizontal and vertical padding of 0 when both arrow buttons are in unmanaged state. 2. Fixed a typo in the mega-widget utility file mwutil.tcl, introduced in the previous release (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his bug report). What was new in Scrollutil 2.0? ------------------------------- 1. Dropped the support for Tk versions earlier than 8.4. This has made the code simpler and easier to maintain. 2. Extended the handling of the virtual event <>, and added bindings for the virtual events <> and <>. 3. Improved the compatibility with Tcl 9 and Tk 8.7/9. For example, added support for the new event, introduced in Tk 8.7 and 9 (thanks to Nicolas Bats for his valuable feedback). 4. Minimized the number of artifacts caused by intermixed and events triggered by two-finger gestures over a (ttk::)scrollbar or ttk::notebook widget in the absence of events (i.e., on X11 or with Tk versions earlier than 8.7/9 on Windows or macOS Aqua). What was new in Scrollutil 1.19? -------------------------------- 1. If SVG is supported, i.e., if the Tk version is at least 8.7 or the tksvg package can be loaded into the interpreter, then the new variable "scrollutil::svgfmt" is set to a Tcl list that you can pass to the commands that create or manipulate SVG images as the value of their "-format" option to make sure that your images will be properly scaled (see the new section "More on scrollutil::svgfmt" in Scrollutil Programmer's Guide for details). 2. The scrollednotebook widget now provides the "style" subcommand (which for Tk themed widgets was introduced in Tk 8.7a4) for all supported Tk versions (just like the plainnotebook widget). 3. For Tcl versions 8.4 and later replaced the deprecated "trace variable" invocations with "trace add variable". 4. Improvements in the themepatch package, especially regarding the "default" theme. 5. Extended the reference manual for the scrollednotebook widget. 6. In the presence of SVG support the demo scripts "*NotebookDemo.tcl" and "PagesManDemo.tcl" now use SVG images created with the aid of the variable "scrollutil::svgfmt". 7. Worked around a long-standing known issue on macOS related to suspended event processing during a resize operation (thanks to Nicolas Bats for his bug report). What was new in Scrollutil 1.18? -------------------------------- 1. Added the "adjustsize" subcommand to the scrollednotebook, plainnotebook, and pagesman widgets (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 2. The "add" and "insert" plainnotebook subcommands now return the path name of the widget used for the tab corresponding to the window specified as subcommand argument. 3. If the Tk version is at least 8.7 or the tksvg extension can be loaded into the interpreter, then all the images used by the scrollednotebook and plainnotebook widgets are now created as SVG images that will scale automatically according to the display's real scaling percentage, which can be greater than 200 (the maximum value returned by the procedure scaleutil::scalingPercentage). This comes in handy especially when running Androwish on a tablet or smartphone. 4. The scaleutil package now scales more styling options of the ttk::treeview widget and some styling options of a series of widgets of the "winnative" theme, too. 5. The scaleutil package now supports also the case that on Xfce the DPI value was set in the "Fonts" tab of the "Appearance" dialog or (on Linux Lite 5+) via the "HiDPI Settings" dialog, or on MATE it was set via the "Font Rendering Details" dialog. 6. The scaleutil package now takes into account that current MATE versions scale the font DPI for HiDPI displays. 7. Extended the themepatch package by support for patching and unpatching the "alt" theme and by adding the "themepatch::ispatched" command. 8. If the Tk version is at least 8.7 or the tksvg extension can be loaded into the interpreter, then the "themepatch::patch" command now uses fully scaling-aware SVG images for drawing the indicators of the ttk::checkbutton and ttk::radiobutton widgets (again, this will be a benefit especially for Androwish). 9. Corrected the definition of the "-height" option for the scrollednotebook widget to be in sync with that for ttk::notebook. 10. Fixed a few bugs related to the comparison of package versions. 11. Several improvements in the demo scripts. What was new in Scrollutil 1.17? -------------------------------- 1. Added the "notebookpath" subcommand to the scrollednotebook widget and described how it can be used in connection with setting a tab- specific tooltip. 2. Added the "attrib", "hasattrib", and "unsetattrib" subcommands to the scrollarea, scrollsync, scrollableframe, scrollednotebook, plainnotebook, and pagesman widgets. 3. Added the "tabattrib", "hastabattrib", and "unsettabattrib" subcommands to the scrollednotebook and plainnotebook widgets. 4. Added the "pageattrib", "haspageattrib", and "unsetpageattrib" subcommands to the pagesman widget. 5. The demo scripts "ScrolledNotebookDemo.tcl", "PlainNotebookDemo.tcl", and "PagesManDemo.tcl" now demonstrate the usage of the new "tabattrib", "hastabattrib", and "unsettabattrib" scrollednotebook and plainnotebook subcommands. 6. Renamed the clampatch package to themepatch and extended it by support for patching and unpatching the "default" theme. 7. Made the look and behavior of the ttk::checkbutton and ttk::radiobutton widgets of the "clam" theme patched via "themepatch::patch clam" more fancy. 8. Several improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.16? -------------------------------- 1. Added the "autofillx" and "autofilly" scrollableframe subcommands, which enable you to make sure that the content frame will fill the widget's entire inner width and height respectively, by dynamically setting/clearing the -fitcontentwidth or -fitcontentheight option. 2. The ttk::notebook contained in a scrollednotebook widget now automatically fills the entire width of the scrollednotebook, regardless of the number of tabs (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his improvement proposal and testing). This is implemented with the aid of the new "autofillx" subcommand of the scrollableframe contained in the scrollednotebook widget. 3. Significantly improved the look and behavior of the ttk::checkbutton and ttk::radiobutton widgets of the "clam" theme patched with the "clampatch::patchClamTheme" command. 4. Eliminated three potential endless loops in the implementation of the scrollednotebook widget and fixed a few bugs related to the arrow buttons (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his bug reports and discussions on these subjects). 5. Several improvements in the description of the scrollableframe and scrollednotebook widgets. What was new in Scrollutil 1.15? -------------------------------- 1. The plainnotebook widget now supports the navigation between the selectable tabs via the mouse wheel (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his TIP 591 and proposal), as well as with the keys "Down", "Up", "Control-Tab", and "Control-Shift-Tab". 2. The scrollednotebook widget now provides two arrow buttons placed on demand in the top-left and top-right or bottom-left and bottom-right corners (depending on the notebook's style), used for scrolling the tab row (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 3. The scrollednotebook widget now correctly interprets the x coordinate within an index of the form "@x,y" or passed to the "identify" subcommand as being relative to the scrollednotebook widget (rather than the ttk::notebook contained in the latter). 4. Corrected a typo in the implementation of the scrollutil::addMouseWheelSupport command. 5. Made the detection of the desktop environment when calculating the scaling percentage corresponding to the display's DPI scaling level on X11 more reliable (thanks to Florian Pigorsch for his bug report). 6. Numerous further improvements in the code, the demo script "PagesManDemo.tcl", and the helper script "styleUtil.tcl", which is source'd in all demo scripts. What was new in Scrollutil 1.14? -------------------------------- 1. Improvements in the scaleutil package, related to setting the default height of the ttk::treeview rows to a value based on the font's metrics (see the section "More on scrollutil::scalingpct" in Scrollutil Programmer's Guide for details); several extensions. 2. Pressing and later releasing the left mouse button over the "closetab" element of a ttk:notebook tab now generates a <> virtual event, whose handling by closing the tab via the notebook's "forget" subcommand if appropriate lies in the responsibility of the application (thanks to Alexandru Dadalau for his proposal) (POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY!). 3. The title label as well as the tabs created with the "addlabel" and "insertlabel" plainnotebook subcommands now have their own styles "PnbTitle.TLabel" and "PnbLabel.TLabel" (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 4. Added the plainnotebook "titlepath" subcommand, which returns the path name of the widget's title label. 5. The Scrollutil distribution now includes the new clampatch package, whose "clampatch::patchClamTheme" command makes the ttk::button widgets as well as the ttk::treeview and tablelist headers of the "clam" theme smaller and significantly improves the look and behavior of its ttk::checkbutton and ttk::radiobutton widgets. The script "styleUtil.tcl", which is source'd in all demo scripts, now invokes this procedure. 6. Fixed a bug related to changing the value of the "-xscrollbarmode" or "-yscrollbarmode" scrollarea option from "none" to "static" or "dynamic" (thanks to Bo Berggren for his bug report and valuable contribution). 7. Several improvements in the demo scripts. For example, they now retrieve the current theme via "[ttk::style theme use]" when possible rather than relying on the value of the variable "ttk::currentTheme" (which is set by the procedure "ttk::setTheme" only). 8. Improvements in the code and documentation, especially in Scrollutil Programmer's Guide and the description of the plainnotebook widget (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his feedback). What was new in Scrollutil 1.13? -------------------------------- 1. Added code that handles the virtual event <>, sent by Tk 8.7a3 and later to the content frame of a scrollableframe when its last widget managed via pack or grid becomes unmanaged (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his TIP 518). 2. The scaleutil package (which is bundled with Scrollutil) now works "as is" with undroidwish and AndroWish, too. In addition, as described in section "More on scrollutil::scalingpct" of Scrollutil Programmer's Guide, it is now possible to prevent this package from changing Tk's scaling factor when calculating the scaling percentage corresponding to the display's DPI scaling level on X11 (thanks to Christian Werner for his proposal and discussions on these topics). 3. Fixed a bug in the scaleutil package, related to setting the default height of the ttk::treeview rows for one of the themes provided by the awthemes package (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his bug report). 4. Improved the demo scripts "*FrmDemo*.tcl" and "*NotebookDemo.tcl" by configuring their scrollable widget container(s) and notebook widget, respectively (e.g., setting the widget's width) from within an "after 50" script rather than preceding this step by an invocation of "update idletasks". What was new in Scrollutil 1.12? -------------------------------- 1. The "scrollutil::adaptWheelEventHandling" command now accepts as optional first argument the "-ignorefocus" switch, which specifies that the mouse wheel events are to be handled by the widget under the pointer (only), ragardless of whether that widget has the focus or not (thanks to Alexandru Dadalau for his proposal). 2. Added the "insert", "pagecget", "pageconfigure", and "window" pagesman subcommands. 3. If the window passed to the pagesman "add" subcommand is already managed by the pagesman widget, then the subcommand now uses its optional arguments to update the options of the corresponding page. The same holds true for the new "insert" subcommand. 4. Significantly extended the code responsible for initializing the variable "scrollutil::scalingpct". See the section "More on scrollutil::scalingpct" in Scrollutil Programmer's Guide for details. 5. Made sure that the above-mentioned code will work as expected also with future Tk versions containing the changes made recently in the library file "ttk/fonts.tcl". 6. Fixed a bug related to the handling of the event for the widget embedded into a scrollarea (thanks to Alexandru Dadalau for his bug report). 7. Several updates and improvements in the demo scripts. What was new in Scrollutil 1.11? -------------------------------- 1. Added the "-setfocus" scrollarea configuration option, which controls whether clicking one of the scrollbars should set the focus to the widget embedded into the scrollarea (thanks to Alexandru Dadalau for discussions on a related subject). 2. Added the "-forgetcommand", "-leavecommand", and "-movabletabs" scrollednotebook configuration options. 3. Added the plainnotebook widget, which extends a ttk::notebook having an arbitrary number of pages with invisible tabs by a ttk::frame to its left or right containing, among others, a scrollableframe whose content frame is the parent of a series of widgets that play the role of vertically laid-out notebook tabs. The above-mentioned options are supported by this widget, too, and its "-closabletabs" option controls whether the tabs can be closed with the mouse. 4. Added the pagesman widget, which provides the basic functionality of a pages manager. By using it with plainnotebook widgets as pages, it is quite easy to write applications in which the user can descend from a plainnotebook to another one with a single mouse click and switch back in the same way to the original one. Everything needed for this navigation is provided by appropriate options and subcommands of the plainnotebook widget. 5. The demo script "ScrolledNotebookDemo.tcl" now makes use of the "-forgetcommand" and "-leavecommand" scrollednotebook options. 6. Added two new demo scripts using the plainnotebook and pagesman widgets, together with their "-forgetcommand" and "-leavecommand" options. The plainnotebook widgets of these scripts have closable and (per default) movable tabs. 7. Corrected the required tile version from 0.6 to 0.8. 8. Fixed a bug related to the supported scaling percentages on Windows (thanks to Manfred Schwarz for his bug report). What was new in Scrollutil 1.10? -------------------------------- 1. Added the (scalable) "closetab" style element, which can be added to and removed from the tabs of a ttk::notebook style (like "TNotebook" or "My.TNotebook") by using the new "scrollutil::addclosetab" and "scrollutil::removeclosetab" commands. As a result, the tabs of any ttk::notebook or scrollednotebook widget can be made closable by the user by passing the ttk::notebook style given by its "-style" option to the "scrollutil::addclosetab" command. 2. The state of the "closetab" element of a ttk::notebook or scrollednotebook tab can be queried and switched between "normal" and "disabled" with the aid of the new "scrollutil::closetabstate" command. 3. Added the "closetabstate" scrollednotebook widget subcommand, which is a convenient shortcut for the "scrollutil::closetabstate" command. 4. Each notebook tab of the demo scripts "ScrolledNotebookDemo.tcl" and "TtkNotebookDemo.tcl" now contains, besides a text, also an image and the "closetab" element. 5. On X11, the initialization code now only corrects the sizes of the standard fonts and sets the scaling factor if the display's scaling percentage is greater than 100. In addition, the scaling factor is no longer changed if the scaling percentage was derived from it (thanks to Erik Leunissen and Harald Oehlmann for their bug reports). 6. Numerous further improvements in the code, demo scripts, and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.9? ------------------------------- 1. The "autosize" scrollableframe subcommand now sets the widget's width and/or height with a delay of 100 ms, rather than invoking "update idletasks" (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 2. Added the "xview " and "yview " scrollableframe subcommands. 3. Added the scrollednotebook widget, which is based on a ttk::notebook within a scrollableframe and supports an arbitrary number of unsqueezed tabs. It also implements the navigation between the tabs of a ttk::notebook or scrollednotebook widget via the mouse wheel (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his TIP 591), as well as the support for moving the tabs with the mouse. 4. Added two demo scripts for the comparison of the new scrollednotebook widget with a ttk::notebook. 5. Fixed two typos in the implementation of the horizontal scrolling with the mouse wheel on X11 via "scrollutil::addMouseWheelSupport". 6. Fixed a bug related to font scaling on X11 (thanks to Ulrich Seidl for his bug report). 7. Fixed a bug related to the scrollbar mode "static" of the scrollarea widget (thanks to Nicolas Bats for his bug report). 8. Further improvements in the code, demo scripts, and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.8? ------------------------------- 1. Added support for the platform-independent handling of mouse wheel events (TIP 474), introduced in Tk 8.7a4 (as of January 9, 2021). 2. Added the "autosize" scrollableframe subcommand and used in the demo scripts "SuScrollableFrmDemo*.tcl" (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 3. Changed the default width and height of the scrollableframe widget to 10c and 7c, respectively (thanks to Alexandru Dadalau and Harald Oehlmann for discussions on this subject). 4. Included the same version 2.18 of the mega-widget utility package mwutil and the same version 1.2 of the scaling utility package scaleutil as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.12. 5. Extended the description of the scaling support on Xfce (including version 4.16, which adds fractional scaling), MATE, and Cinnamon. 6. Fixed a regression related to font scaling on X11 if the display's DPI scaling level is greater than 100 %, introduced in the previous release. 7. Several improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.7? ------------------------------- 1. Added the "-autohidescrollbars" scrollarea configuration option (thanks to Alexandru Dadalau for his proposal and testing). 2. Set the recommended maximum for the value of the "-lockinterval" scrollarea option to 300 (see the manual fore details). 3. The scrollableframe widget is now automatically registered for scrolling with the mouse wheel at creation time. The demo scripts "SuScrollableFrmDemo*.tcl" have been adapted accordingly. 4. Added the "seerect" scrollableframe subcommand. 5. Added the command "scrollutil::disableScrollingByWheel". 6. With Tk 8.6.10 or later, the demo-scripts now fully support the Dark Mode appearance on Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave) and later. For the demo scripts using tablelist widgets this is true if the Tablelist version is 6.11 or later (for an optimal user experience it is recommended to use Tk 8.6.11 or later). Similarly, the full Dark Mode support for mentry widgets requires Mentry version 3.11 or later. 7. Reworked the invocations of "package vcompare", taking into account that Tcl versions earlier than 8.5 did not support the letters "a" and "b" in version numbers (thanks to Mike Walsh for his bug report). 8. Several further improvements in the code, demo scripts, and documentation (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his feedback regarding the manual). What was new in Scrollutil 1.6? ------------------------------- 1. Included the implementation of TIP 563, meaning that the mouse wheel now will scroll a horizontal or vertical Tk core or tile scrollbar widget regardless of whether the "Shift" key is down or not (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal and TIP implementation). 2. Added the read-only public variable "scrollutil::scalingpct", which is set at application start time to 100, 125, 150, 175, or 200, correspondig to the display's DPI scaling level. See the new section "More on scrollutil::scalingpct" in Scrollutil Programmer's Guide for details. 3. The procedure responsible for the initialization of the variable "scrollutil::scalingpct" also scales: (a) the default width of the Tk core scrollbars on X11; (b) for the built-in themes "alt", "clam", "classic", and "default", the default width of the ttk::scrollbar widget, as well as the arrows of the ttk::combobox and ttk::spinbox widgets; (c) for the "alt" and "clam" themes, the arrow of the ttk::menubutton widget; (d) for the "clam", "classic", and "default" themes, the indicators of the ttk::checkbutton and ttk::radiobutton widgets. 4. Made sure that in the "vista" and "xpnative" themes the indicators of the ttk::checkbutton and ttk::radiobutton widgets will be properly scaled, regardless of the Tk release being used (a long-standing bug in the implementation of these widgets was fixed in May 2020). 5. Made the demo-scripts scaling-aware. 6. Several further improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.5? ------------------------------- 1. On Windows and X11, Scrollutil now automatically creates mouse wheel event class bindings for the Tk core scrollbar widget, which are missing on these platforms when using a Tk version earlier than 8.6. 2. Added a demo script showing how the scrollarea widget circumvents the potential shimmering effect in connection with text widgets. 3. Improved the handling of the case that the scrollbar lock prevented a scrollbar of a scrollarea widget from being unmapped (thanks to Paul Obermeier for his bug report). 4. Several improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.4? ------------------------------- 1. Added the commands "scrollutil::getscrollarea" and "scrollutil::getscrollsync", designed to query the scrollarea and scrollsync, respectively containing a given widget. 2. Added the command "scrollutil::addMouseWheelSupport", which can be used, e.g., to add mouse wheel support to canvas widgets (thanks to Julian H J Loaring for his proposal) and to restore the "old-school" mouse wheel event handling for text widgets, which performs scrolling by lines and characters rather than pixels. 3. Scrollutil now automatically creates mouse wheel event class bindings for the ttk::scrollbar widget (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal and discussions on this subject). 4. If a widget that is embedded into a scrollarea is passed to "scrollutil::adaptWheelEventHandling", then this command gets automatically invoked for the scrollbars of that scrollarea, too. 5. Added the missing pieces of code related to the bindings for horizontal scrolling with the aid of mouse buttons 6 and 7 in Tk 8.7.a3 or later on X11. 6. Several improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.3? ------------------------------- 1. The scrollarea widget of the Scrollutil_tile package now uses ttk::scrollbar widgets on Mac OS X, too, provided that the Tk release is 8.6.10 or later. 2. Improvements related to the scrollsync widget. 3. Added the "scan" scrollableframe subcommand, along with mouse event bindings invoking the latter. 4. Significantly improved the handling of the "-width", "-height", "-borderwidth", and "-highlightthickness" scrollableframe options. The reference manual now explicitly mentions that the "-width" and "-height" options set the widget's *inner* dimensions, excluding the border and highlight rectangle (if any). 5. The mouse wheel event handling now supports nested scrollable widget containers. 6. When computing the number of units for "(x|y)view scroll" within the bindings for mouse wheel events, the rounding now works the same for both positive and negative delta values, just like in Tk 8.6.10 and later. 7. For Tk 8.7.a3 and above on X11, the mouse wheel event handling now includes bindings for horizontal scrolling with the aid of the (virtual) mouse buttons 6 and 7, which correspond to left/right tilting the scroll wheel of a mouse having one or two additional (thumb) buttons. 8. Numerous improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.2? ------------------------------- 1. Added the scrollableframe widget, designed as a lightweight, theme-able, and full-featured replacement for BWidget ScrollableFrame and iwidgets::scrolledframe (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 2. Added two demo scripts for the new scrollableframe widget. 3. Significant improvements related to the scrollarea and scrollsync widgets (thanks to Paul Obermeier for his valuable feedback and testing). 4. Scrollutil no longer creates aliases in the "::tk" namespace for Tk commands for which that namespace already contains a command of the same name. 5. Numerous further improvements in the code, demo scripts, and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.1? ------------------------------- 1. Added the scrollsync widget, designed for scrolling several widgets simultaneously (thanks to Paul Obermeier for his proposal and testing). 2. Added two demo scripts for the new scrollsync widget. 3. The scrollarea widget now supports the "-takefocus" standard option (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his proposal). 4. The scrollarea "setwidget" subcommand now returns the path name of the previously embedded widget. 5. The mouse wheel event handling now restricts the search for the registered scrollable widget container that is an ascendant of the widget under the pointer to the widget containers within the same toplevel (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his valuable feedback). 6. Several further improvements in the code, demo scripts, and documentation. What was new in Scrollutil 1.0? ------------------------------- This is the first release. Thanks to Michael Niehren for discussions on mouse wheel event handling in scrollable widget containers, as well as to Paul Obermeier and Thomas Grausgruber for testing the scrollarea widget.