What is new in Mentry 4.2? -------------------------- 1. Adapted to the recent improvements in the "classic" theme by Emiliano Gavilan. 2. Adapted the default value of the "-selectborderwidth" option in Mentry_tile to recent changes in the "default" and "classic" themes. What was new in Mentry 4.1? --------------------------- 1. Fixed a long-standing bug due to which under some circumstances the default values of several configuration options became theme-specific even if the mentry package rather than mentry_tile was being used. 2. Fixed a typo in the mega-widget utility file mwutil.tcl, introduced in the previous release (thanks to Harald Oehlmann for his bug report). What was new in Mentry 4.0? --------------------------- 1. Dropped the support for Tk versions earlier than 8.4. This has made the code simpler and easier to maintain. 2. Adapted to the changes made in the Entry and TEntry bindings in Tk 8.7. 3. Added explicit support for the themes "black", "breeze", "breeze-dark", "sun-valley-light", and "sun-valley-dark". 4. Improved the compatibility with Tcl 9 and Tk 8.7/9. For example, added support for the new event, introduced in Tk 8.7 and 9. 5. Updated the Wcb command reference "wcbRef.html" to the version included in the most recent Wcb release 4.0. What was new in Mentry 3.18? ---------------------------- 1. For Tcl versions 8.4 and later replaced the deprecated "trace variable" invocations with "trace add variable". What was new in Mentry 3.17? ---------------------------- 1. Extended the description of the "mentry::setThemeDefaults" command by the hint that with current Mentry_tile versions there is no need for invocations of this procedure in application code. 2. Included the same version 2.20 of the mega-widget utility package mwutil as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.21. 3. Fixed a bug related to the comparison of package versions. What was new in Mentry 3.16? ---------------------------- 1. Updated the Wcb command reference "wcbRef.html" to the version included in the most recent Wcb release 3.8. 2. Corrected a typo in the copyright information contained in the file "mentry_tile.tcl" (thanks to Stuart Cassoff for his bug report). What was new in Mentry 3.15? ---------------------------- 1. Fixed a bug related to the handling of the <> event when the package Mentry rather than Mentry_tile was loaded into the interpreter (thanks to "saitology9" for reporting a similar bug in Tablelist). 2. Improved and updated the documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.14? ---------------------------- 1. Extended the "adjustentry" subcommand by an optional second string argument and used this extended form in the implementation of the "mentry::fixedPointMentry" command. This significantly improves the layout of the mentry widgets of type "FixedPoint". 2. Added code that handles the virtual event <> with the "user_data" field (%d) set to "FontChanged", which, with Tk versions later than 8.6.11 and 8.7.a5, will be sent by the Tk engine to all widgets when a font is changed, for example, by invoking "font configure" (see TIP 608). 3. Added bindings that handle <> events in the entry components of the mentry widgets of types "IPAddr", "IPv6Addr", "EthernetAddr", and "PhoneNumber" (thanks to Paul Obermeier for his proposal). 4. Improved and updated the documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.13? ---------------------------- 1. Reworked the support for the awthemes package and extended it by support for the "awbreezedark" theme, introduced in awthemes 10.3. 2. Included the same version 2.19 of the mega-widget utility package mwutil as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.13. What was new in Mentry 3.12? ---------------------------- 1. Added support for the platform-independent handling of mouse wheel events (TIP 474), introduced in Tk 8.7a4 (as of January 9, 2021). 2. Included the same version 2.18 of the mega-widget utility package mwutil as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.12. What was new in Mentry 3.11? ---------------------------- 1. Adapted the "aqua" theme support to Tk releases 8.6.10 and 8.6.11, including the support for the Dark Mode appearance, introduced in Mac OS version 10.14 (Mojave). When using Tk 8.6.10 or later, the mentry widgets are now rendered according to the current system appearance and are updated whenever the latter toggles between Light Mode and Dark Mode or the Accent Color or Highlight Color in the General Preferences changes. 2. Added support for the "awdark", "awlight", and the five other themes provided by the package awthemes 9.4 or later by Brad Lanam. 3. Added the virtual event <>, sent to the main window when handling the virtual events <>, <>, and <>. See the section "The mentry:: setThemeDefaults Command" of the manual page "Commands Related to Tile Themes" for details. 4. Included the same version 2.17 of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.11. 5. For current Tk versions Mentry no longer requires that changing the theme be done using the "ttk::setTheme" command instead of "ttk::style theme use", which was necessary for older tile versions. 6. Made the demo-scripts scaling-aware. In addition, with Tk 8.6.10 or later, they now fully support the Dark Mode appearance on Mac OS 10.14 and later. 7. Reworked the invocations of "package vcompare", taking into account that Tcl versions earlier than 8.5 did not support the letters "a" and "b" in version numbers (thanks to Mike Walsh for his bug report). 8. Several further improvements in the code and documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.10? ---------------------------- 1. Included the same version 2.15 of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.7. 2. Mentry no longer creates aliases in the "::tk" namespace for Tk commands for which that namespace already contains a command of the same name. 3. Improved the documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.9? --------------------------- 1. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.5. 2. Corrected two typos related to the "hasattrib" and "unsetattrib" subcommands. 3. Minor improvements in the documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.8? --------------------------- 1. Added support for the themes "aquativo", "Arc", and "clearlooks"; updated the support for several other themes. 2. Adapted to some changes in future Tcl and Tk releases (for example, made sure that it works with Tcl 9.0 and Tk 8.7). 3. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in the most recent Tablelist release 6.3. 4. Updated the demo-scripts and the documentation. 5. Several code improvements and minor bug fixes. What was new in Mentry 3.7? --------------------------- 1. Minor performance improvements. 2. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in Tablelist release 5.11. 3. Restored the support for Tcl/Tk 8.0, by cleaning up the use of the "clock" command and that of the event. 4. Improved the package loading mechanism. 5. Improved and updated the documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.6? --------------------------- 1. The "-background" option in the package Mentry_tile now works for the great majority of themes. The most notable exceptions are the themes "plastik", "tileqt", "vista", and "xpnative", which ignore any attempt to set the background color for ttk::entry widgets. 2. Adapted the code to some changes in current tile versions, to make sure that in disabled state the tile-based ttk::entry components of mentry widgets will appear in the theme-specific disabled foreground color, as it was the case with earlier tile versions. 3. Extended the support for the "tileqt" theme to work on KDE 4, too. 4. Guarded against scripts that start by destroying all children of the root window. 5. Minor improvements in the documentation. What was new in Mentry 3.5? --------------------------- 1. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in Tablelist release 5.3. 2. Eliminated the deprecated free-form scan from the implementation of the "mentry::getClockVal" command for mentry widgets of types "Date", "Time", and "DateTime" for Tcl versions 8.5 and above. 3. Fixed a minor bug related to the handling of events. What was new in Mentry 3.4? --------------------------- The only changes contained in this release are a few adaptations made necessary by submitting the package for inclusion in tklib (thanks to Stuart Cassoff for his proposal and valuable assistance). What was new in Mentry 3.3? --------------------------- 1. Added three new commands related to mentry widgets for IPv6 addresses. 2. Support for Windows Vista (including explicit support for the "vista" theme). 3. Updated the support for the themes "plastik" and "keramik"; added support for the "keramik_alt" theme. 4. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in Tablelist release 4.12. 5. Minor improvements in the code. What was new in Mentry 3.2? --------------------------- 1. New subcommands "adjustentry" and "setentryextrawidth", providing an easy way to set the optimal widths for the entry children. 2. Complemented the "attrib" subcommand with the new subcommands "hasattrib" and "unsetattrib". 3. Included a new mentry widget of type "DateTime" (thanks to Florian Murr for his proposal). 4. Added mouse wheel support for mentry widgets of types "Date", "Time", "DateTime", and "IPAddr". 5. Made sure that the default bindings are set up immediately when loading the package, prior to creating any mentry widget. 6. The "setThemeDefaults" command no longer throws an error if the current theme is not explicitly supported by Mentry. Instead, it uses the options set by the current theme and falls back to the "default" one for the rest. 7. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in Tablelist release 4.10. 8. Adapted the demo scripts to use the new "adjustentry" subcommand. What was new in Mentry 3.1? --------------------------- 1. Mentry_tile now supports tile 0.8 and Tk 8.5a6/8.5b1 (where tile is integrated in the core). The new commands "mentry::setTheme", "mentry::getCurrentTheme", and "mentry::getThemes" enable you to set and get the current theme and to query the available ones, without having to worry about the incompatibilities between the various tile versions. 2. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in Tablelist release 4.6. 3. Minor improvements in the code. What was new in Mentry 3.0? --------------------------- 1. Support for tile-compatibility: By just specifying "package require Mentry_tile" instead of "package require Mentry", the mentry widgets will have a modern theme-specific appearance and behavior. See the "How to use it?", "More on Mentry_tile", and "Tile-based demo scripts" sections of the tutorial "mentry.html" for details. 2. New command "mentry::setThemeDefaults", which can be used to make sure that classical Tk widgets, e.g., text, will have a theme- specific appearance, just like the tile widgets. 3. New subcommands "setentryfont" and "setentrywidth", for configuring individual entry components of mentry widgets. 4. Used the same package loading mechanism as in Tablelist 4.5 (thanks to Andreas Kupries for his valuable contribution). 5. The Mentry and Mentry_tile packages now require Wcb version 3.1. 6. The demo scripts are now provided in both a traditional and a tile-based version. What was new in Mentry 2.8? --------------------------- 1. This Mentry release is compatible with both the new Wcb version 3.0 (or higher) and the older Wcb versions 2.7 - 2.9. (Earlier Mentry releases don't work with Wcb versions having the major number 3). 1. New bindings for the and events in mentry widgets for date and time. 3. New bindings for the , , , and events in mentry widgets for IP addresses (thanks to Jean Romier for his valuable contribution). What was new in Mentry 2.7? --------------------------- 1. New bindings for the and events in mentry widgets for date and time. 2. Corrected three typos in the handling of the , , and events, introduced in the previous Mentry release. 3. Worked around a bug in the "clock format ... -format %p" command introduced in Tcl 8.4, causing an erronous behavior of the "putClockVal" command in non-default locales on UNIX for "Time" mentries with AM/PM indicator. 4. Improved the error handling related to the option database in the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl". 5. Improvements in the demo scripts. 6. Many improvements in the documentation, including a new Quick Reference section. What was new in Mentry 2.6? --------------------------- This release contains no new commands or subcommands; the improvements are mostly of internal nature: 1. Rewritten the bindings-related stuff by introducing own binding tags for the children of mentry widgets. This method is more Tk-like and has the additional advantage that it supports arbitrary widget names (in earlier releases, mentry widgets couldn't have '%' characters in their names). 2. When creating a mentry widget, the "-colormap" frame configuration option is no longer used, because it is bogus in some Tk versions on the Macintosh (and it isn't needed anyway). 3. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in Tablelist release 3.3. What was new in Mentry 2.5? --------------------------- 1. Applied a patch proposed (in a slightly different form) by Mats Bengtsson that works around a bug in the "info script" command on the Macintosh. 2. Improved and simplified the focus control (thanks to Juri Shimon and Gopal Reddy for their bug reports). 3. The invocations of "info exists" for array elements are no longer replaced with a call to a helper procedure (introduced in Mentry 2.0 because of a bug in some earlier Tcl versions). 4. Improved the Mentry Programmer's Guide. What was new in Mentry 2.4? --------------------------- 1. The "isempty" subcommand now has an optional "index" argument. 2. New "isfull" subcommand (with an optional "index" argument). 3. Simplified the demo scripts "phonenumber.tcl" and "ethernetaddr.tcl" by using the two subcommands mentioned above. 4. Further minor improvements in the demo scripts and documentation. What was new in Mentry 2.3? --------------------------- 1. Reverted the implementation of the focus control to the one contained in the pre-2.2 Mentry releases, because its simplified version from the last release failed to work as expected if a mentry was the only widget taking the focus during keyboard traversal. 2. Improved the performance of the Tcl command associated with a mentry widget. 3. Included the same version of the general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl" as in recent Tablelist releases. 4. Further minor improvements in the code. 5. The distribution file "mentry2_3.zip" for Windows now includes the "mentry2.3" directory, hence it is no longer necessary to create this folder before unpacking the distribution file. What was new in Mentry 2.2? --------------------------- 1. Improved the handling of the case that all entry children of a mentry widget are disabled. 2. Made the focus control more straight-forward. 3. Extended the "How to use it?" section of the tutorial "mentry.html". What was new in Mentry 2.1? --------------------------- 1. Improved the error handling in the "attrib" and "configure" subcommands. 2. The demo script "ethernetaddr.tcl" now uses the callback "wcb::checkStrForRegExp" (introduced in Wcb 2.6) instead of the local procedure "checkStrForHex". 3. Further minor improvements in the code. What was new in Mentry 2.0? --------------------------- 1. When typing a character contained in the label following the current entry, the focus is no longer set to the next enabled entry child if the current entry is empty (thanks to Leslie Brooks for this suggestion). 2. When setting the focus to a mentry widget (e.g., with the standard keys Tab and Shift-Tab during keyboard traversal), its first enabled entry child now not only receives the focus (like in earlier releases), but in addition its contents is selected and the insertion cursor is moved to its end. 3. New "clear" subcommand to erase the contents of one or more entry children of a mentry widget (this was kindly proposed by Leslie Brooks). 4. Fixed a bug related to the initialization of the values of the configuration options when creating a mentry widget. 5. Whereever possible, eliminated the invocations of "info exists" for array elements. This works around a bug in Tcl versions 8.2 and 8.3.0 - 8.3.2 (fixed in 8.3.3 and 8.4a2), which causes excessive memory use when calling "info exists" on a non-existent array element. 6. The help variables used in the initialization of the "mentry" namespace are now declared with the "variable" keyword, in order to avoid any conflicts with global variables (thanks to Leslie Brooks for his bug report). 7. Improved the parsing of configuration and command options. What was new in Mentry 1.5? --------------------------- 1. The "-textvariable" configuration option and the "getarray" subcommand now raise an error if the argument is not an array. 2. Replaced "[focus]" with "[focus -displayof $win]", so that the code will work properly in applications using multiple displays. 3. Renamed "mentryBindingTag" to "Mentry". 4. Improvements in the documentation. What was new in Mentry 1.4? --------------------------- 1. The "put" subcommand now returns the value 0 if the attempted change gets canceled in any of the entry children by some before-delete or before-insert callback, and 1 otherwise. 2. For Tk versions 8.4 or higher the "mentry::mentry" command now supports the "-disabledbackground", "-disabledforeground", and "-readonlybackground" configuration options, as well as the value "readonly" for the "-state" configuration option. 3. Improved the error-handling and the geometry management in the implementation of the "-body" configuration option. 4. Moved several procedures from the file "mentryWidget.tcl" into the new general mega-widget utility module "mwutil.tcl". 5. Minor improvements in the demo scripts. What was new in Mentry 1.3? --------------------------- 1. Changed the implementation of the "-takefocus" configuration option, in order to work around a bug in the Tk library file "focus.tcl", introduced in Tk 8.3.1. 2. The "put" subcommand now restores the original contents of all affected entry children of the mentry widget if the change gets canceled in any of the entries by some before-delete or before- insert callback. (Thanks to Aryeh Koenigsberg for his suggestion.) 3. Fixed a small bug in the "attrib" subcommand. 4. Minor improvements in the code. What was new in Mentry 1.2? --------------------------- 1. Improved the behavior of mentry widgets during keyboard traversal with the standard keys: Shift-Tab now moves the focus out of the current mentry instead of setting it to the first enabled entry child of the widget, as it was the case in earlier releases. 2. The "mentry::mentry" command now supports the "-takefocus" configuration option. 3. For Tk versions 8.3 or higher the "mentry::mentry" command now supports the "-invalidcommand", "-validate", and "-validatecommand" configuration options. What was new in Mentry 1.1? --------------------------- 1. The tutorial and the mentry widget reference page now contain hyperlinks to the Wcb command reference, which has been included in the documentation. 2. Minor improvements in the code and documentation. What was new in Mentry 1.0? --------------------------- 1. As promised in Version 0.9, the Mentry package now includes a tutorial and reference pages in HTML format. 2. The Tcl command corresponding to a mentry widget now has a new subcommand named "entrylimit". 3. The package no longer makes use of any undocumented, private Tk library routines. 4. A new demo script "phonenumber.tcl" is provided and discussed in the tutorial.